Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Innovation & Strategy..

Beberapa catatan tentang Innovation..

Tapi gua lupa sih tepatnya ngambil dari buku apa & siapa pengarangnya..

Adding new ideas that improve on existing ones,
e.g in the development of products or processes.

A plan to achieve a particular end or purpose.

The way in which the act of bringing together two or more elements adds power and performance to each element.
e.g. whenever two or more NIVEA brands are sold through the same media channels or retail outlets, the individual products support each other.

A company can outperform rivals only if it can establish a difference that it can preserve..

The essence of strategy is choosing to perform activities differently that rivals do..

Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a uniques mix of value..

Strategic positions can be based on customers' needs, customers' accessibility, or the variety of a company's products or services..

A sustainable strategic position requires trade-offs.. Trade-offs are essential to strategy. They create the need for choice and purposefully limit what a company offers..

Fit locks imitators by creating a chain that is as strong as its strongest link..

Strategic positions should have a horizon of a decade or more, not of a single planning cycle..

Kenang-kenangan dari kuliah Innovation tentang Brand Me..

Catatan Harian..

Sekilas catatan harian dari sepasang sahabat yang baru putus kemarin..

"Apakah kamu orang yang tepat untuk saya?"

"Antara Sayang dan Kasihan.."

"Antara Ketergantungan dan Saling Melengkapi.."

"Dan Harga Diri Seorang Laki-laki.." *ini ngutip kata-kata Adji*

Galau Internship...

Malam minggu..
Masih belum bisa tidur..
Mata udah mulai berat sih.. tapi belum pengen tidur..

Iseng2 browsing tentang salah satu perusahaan penerbangan..
Nyari berita ttg operasional perusahaan tsb yg diberhentikan selama 45 hari..
Penasaran.. bisa ga ya internship di sana..

Trus mulai cari2 PPT ttg sosialisasi internship..
Langkah-langkahnya apa aja ya..

Trus jadi bingung..
Mesti apa dulu..
Cari dosen pembimbing dulu?
Hubungin Mr.JW dulu gitu ya?
Atau langsung kirim surat ke perusahaannya?
Perlu surat pengantar ga ya?
Di lamarannya nulis apa? (secara perusahaan itu lagih ga buka kesempatan internship)

Trus kegalauan makin berkembang..
Foto di CV masih ngaco..
CV masih standar, ga menarik..
Benerin CV dulu? Foto dulu?..

Hayah.. fisrt thing first deh..
Besok foto yg agak bener deh..
Trus benerin CV..

Senen dilanjutkan jadinya mau gimana..
Kayanya mending ketemu dosennya dulu deh..
Hmm.. mau nelpon atau sms Mr.JW kok agak2 gimana gitu ya..
Ga pede ama inggris gua..

Ya.. tidur dulu aja kali ya..
Besok foto dulu yg bener..

Baru sadar.. Kenyataan Thesis dah semakin deket..
Gua harus mulai bergerak..